Rota Vicentina | ACCOMMODATION
Here you’ll find information about the accommodation options along the Rota Vicentina, together with links to the places we stayed at.
You can find more details about the accommodation we chose before the hike in the post OUR TRIP.
Accommodations on the Rota Vicentina
The Rota Vicentina offers a wide range of accommodation options, including hostels, B&Bs, hotels and a few camping grounds.
Usually, booking far in advance is not really necessary. However, we recommend to make advance reservations at least at Vale Seco, as this place could quickly fill up if travel agencies book for groups. This website could be useful for having an overview of the accommodation options along the way and also gives the possibility for direct online booking!
For this trip, we decided to always sleep in cozy private rooms at hostels, B&Bs and hotels. Before starting our adventure, we pre-booked all our accommodations, either with a direct call or using
Here below you can find a list of the places we stayed at after every stage.
STAGE 1: Santiago do Cacém - Vale Seco
Location: Vale Seco
Accommodation: private room at Monte Xisto Hotel Rural (reached by hitch-hiking on the road, but they can also arrange a pick-up)
STAGE 2: Vale Seco - Cercal do Alentejo
Location: Cercal do Alentejo
Accommodation: private room at Casazul Mountain&Beach
STAGE 3: Cercal do Alentejo - Porto Covo
Location: Porto Covo
Accommodation: private room at Ahoy Porto Covo Hostel
STAGE 4: Porto Covo - Vila Nova de Milfontes
Location: Vila Nova de Milfontes
Accommodation: private room at The Blue Bamboo Hotel
STAGE 5: Vila Nova de Milfontes - Almograve
Location: Almograve
Accommodation: private room at Pousada de Juventude
STAGE 6: Almograve - Zambujeira do Mar
Location: Zambujeira do Mar
Accommodation: private room at Hostel Nature
STAGE 7: Zambujeira do Mar - Odeceixe
Location: Odeceixe
Accommodation: private room at Hostel Seixe
STAGE 8: Odeceixe - Aljezur
Location: Aljezur
Accommodation: private room at Amazigh Design Hostel
STAGE 9: Aljezur - Arrifana
Location: Arrifana
Accommodation: private room at HI Arrifana Destination Hostel
STAGE 10: Arrifana - Carrapateira
Location: Carrapateira
Accommodation: private room at Carrapateira Lodge
STAGE 11: Carrapateira - Vila do Bispo
Location: Vila do Bispo
Accommodation: private room at Hotel Mira Sagres
STAGE 12: Vila do Bispo - Cabo de São Vicente
Location: Sagres
Accommodation: private room at Pousada de Sagres (reached by taxi, but buses to Sagres are also available from Cabo de São Vicente)
Wildcamping is not allowed in Portugal, nor along the Rota Vicentina. For this reason, this trail might not be the most suitable for hikers that only want to sleep in their tents to get closest to nature… However, there are some official camping grounds along the way, listed on this website.
Leave No Trace Principle
Please make sure to respect the nature you are visiting by picking up and carrying your own trash, including dirty toilet papers, until the next town… the trail will thank you!