Here you’ll find information about the accommodation options along the GR221, together with pictures and links to some of the hotels we stayed at.
You can find more details about the accommodations we chose before and after the hike in the post OUR TRIP.
Accommodations on the GR221
Here below you can find a list of the hotels we stayed at after every stage, together with the available refugis on the way.
Accommodations along the GR221 range from hotels, to bed&breakfasts, to refugis, which are operational for most of the year. However, if hiking in the winter months, we recommend to check online the accommodations in advance, to be sure not to find them closed. For this trip, we decided to book all our accommodations in advance.
Refugis offer a cheaper lodging option and look like hostels, with beds in dormitories. The Consell-administered refugis can be booked online, by paying a deposit and keeping a confirmation note to show upon arrival, while the privately-owned refugis can be booked by phone. They are staffed and serve warm meals for dinner, and some of them also organize a packed lunch for the next day. We stayed at two refugis along the way and both provided clean bed sheets for a fee. However, if you are planning to stay at refugis only, make sure to ask if they all provide bed sheets, before leaving your sleeping bag at home!
For having a better overview of all the refugis present on the trail, we mainly used this website.
STAGE 1: Port d’Andratx - Ses Fontanelles
Our accommodation: Ses Fontanelles
Refugi: Ses Fontanelles
STAGE 2: Ses Fontanelles - Estellencs
Our accommodation: Petit Hotel Sa Plana
Refugi: no refugis available
STAGE 3: Estellencs - Esporles
Our accommodation: S’Hostal d’Esporles
Refugi: Son Trias (privately owned)
STAGE 4: Esporles - Valldemossa
Our accommodation: Cas Papa Sweet Hotel
Refugi: no refugis available
STAGE 9: Lluc - Pollença
Our accommodation: Hotel Hoposa Bahìa (at Port de Pollença)
Refugi: Pont Romà
Wildcamping is not allowed on the island of Mallorca and there is only one official campsite on the trail, at Lluc. However, many hikers manage to camp discreetely, without leaving any trace and without being caught.
Leave No Trace Principle
Please make sure to respect the nature you are visiting by picking up and carrying your own trash, including dirty toilet papers, until the next town or refuge.