Sentiero Alpino Calanca | ACCOMMODATION
Here you’ll find information about the accommodation options along the Sentiero Alpino Calanca.
You can find more details about the accommodation we chose before the hike in the post OUR TRIP.
On the Sentiero Alpino Calanca, hikers will find three self-catering refuges (Rifugio Pian Grand, Rifugio Ganan, Rifugio Alp di Fora) and only one staffed mountain hut (Capanna Buffalora).
It is highly recommended to book all your planned accommodations in advance, including the stay at the refuges. Booking can be done online, by using the same form for all the huts, or by directly calling Capanna Buffalora.
Here below you can find a complete list, including the places we stayed at after every stage and the ones we skipped.
STAGE 1: San Bernardino (Ospizio) - Rifugio Pian Grand
San Bernardino Ospizio
Rifugio Pian Grand: our choice
STAGE 2: Rifugio Pian Grand - Capanna Buffalora
Rifugio Ganan
Capanna Buffalora: our choice
STAGE 3: Capanna Buffalora - Santa Maria In Calanca
Rifugio Alp di Fora
Santa Maria In calanca (B&Bs)
Wildcamping is forbidden on the trail, because it crosses the National Park of Val Calanca. For this reason, this trail might not be the most suitable for hikers who want to sleep in their tents to get closest to nature.
Leave No Trace Principle
Please make sure to respect the nature you are visiting by picking up and carrying your own trash, including dirty toilet papers, until the end of the hike… the trail will thank you!