Sentiero Alpino Calanca | OUR TRIP

Did you just decide to embark on the Sentiero Alpino Calanca, but you still have to figure out how to best schedule your trip? This post describes our travel itinerary and might give you some inspiration.

Reaching the Trail

Travel from Zurich to Splügen

On a Friday evening, after a long and exhausting week at work, we closed our laptops and headed to the Central Train Station in Zürich. We hopped on our first train to Chur, then on another one to Thusis, where we finally catched a bus heading to Splügen. We decided to spend the night in Splügen at the Hotel Piz Tambo before starting our adventure, since this village was rather easy for us to travel to, and we wanted to avoid spending too much energy for this long trip on our first hiking day.

Travel from Splügen to the Trail Start

The morning after, before heading to the trail start, we stopped at the bakery and at the supermarket in Splügen, where we resupplied for food and water. We then hopped on a bus to San Bernardino (Villaggio), where we changed bus to finally reach the trail start, at San Bernardino (Ospizio).

Hiking the Trail

DAY 2 - DAY 4
17.06.2023 - 19.06.2023
The Trail

We then spent 3 days hiking on the Sentiero Alpino Calanca. It was great to share all the good moments and struggles along the way with friends… we collected special memories we will never forget, while getting to know the pearls of the Calanca Valley. You can find further information about the stages we hiked in the post OUR STAGES.

Coming Home

Travel from Santa Maria In Calanca to Zurich

As we reached the village of Santa Maria In Calanca, our trip came to an end. After sharing a victory beer at the bar, we started our long way home, including 2 bus rides (first to Grono Bivio Calanca, then to Bellinzona) and 2 train rides (from Bellinzona to Arth-Goldau, and finally to Zürich).


Sentiero Alpino Calanca | GET INFORMED


Sentiero Alpino Calanca | OUR STAGES