Here you’ll find information about the accommodation options along the GR131, together with links to the hotels we stayed at.
You can find more details about the accommodations we chose before and after the hike in the post OUR TRIP.
Accommodations on the GR131
Tenerife offers a wide range of accommodations options, even though the majority of them are not the most suitable for hikers of the GR131, as they lie far off the trail.
For this trip, we decided to always stay in hotels and booked all our accommodations in advance. Here below you can find a list of the towns and hotels we stayed at after every stage.
STAGE 1: La Esperanza - El Gaitero
Town: San Cristóbal de La Laguna
Our accommodation: La Laguna Gran Hotel
STAGE 2: El Gaitero - La Caldera
Town: La Orotava
Our accommodation: Hotel Rural Victoria
STAGE 3: La Caldera - El Portillo
Town: Teide National Park
Our accommodation: Hotel Parador
STAGE 4: El Portillo - Parador
Town: Teide National Park
Our accommodation: Hotel Parador
STAGE 5: Parador - Vilaflor
Town: Vilaflor
Our accommodation: Hotel Spa Villalba
STAGE 6: Vilaflor - Arona
Town: Arona
Our accommodation: Casa Rural Arona
Wildcamping is not allowed on the trail in Tenerife, especially in the Teide National Park. However, many hikers manage to camp discreetely, without leaving any trace and without being caught.
Leave No Trace Principle
Please make sure to respect the nature you are visiting by picking up and carrying your own trash, including dirty toilet papers, until the next town or hotel.