West Highland Way | ACCOMMODATION
Here you’ll find information about the accommodation options along the West Highland Way, together with links to the places we stayed at.
You can find more details about the accommodations we chose before and after the hike in the post OUR TRIP.
Accommodations on the WHW
The West Highland Way offers a wide range of accommodation options, including camping grounds, hostels, B&Bs and hotels. All these options allow hikers to shorten or lengthen each stage according to personal preferences.
If you are planning to sleep in cozy rooms along the way, we highly suggest to book them in advance, as the trail gets very crowded in summer and most of the hostels are quickly fully booked. An up-to-date list of accommodation options can also be found on this website.
For this trip, we decided to mix camping at official grounds and sleeping in cozy rooms, either at campings or at B&Bs. Here below you can find a list of the places we stayed at after every stage.
STAGE 1: Milngavie - Drymen
Location: Drymen
Accommodation: private room at Kip in the Kirk (B&B)
STAGE 2: Drymen - Rowardennan
Location: Rowardennan
Accommodation: camp at Rowardennan Lodge Youth Hostel
STAGE 3: Rowardennan - Inverarnan
Location: Inverarnan
Accommodation: camp at Beinglas Campsite
STAGE 4: Inverarnan - Tyndrum
Location: Tyndrum
Accommodation: private cabin at By The Way Hostel & Campsite
STAGE 5: Tyndrum - Glencoe Mountain Resort
Location: Glencoe Ski Centre
Accommodation: shared cabin at Glencoe Mountain Resort
STAGE 6: Glencoe Mountain Resort - Kinlochleven
Location: Kinlochleven
Accommodation: camp at McDonald Hotel & Cabins
STAGE 7: Kinlochleven - Fort William
Location: Fort William
Accommodation: private room at The Garrison Hotel
Wildcamping is a great way to experience the WHW, as it allows to keep costs low, be more flexible with planning the itinerary, avoid crowds and to get closer to nature!
It is important to know that wildcamping is forbidden on a stretch along the shore of Loch Lomond. Within this Camping Management Zone, hikers must camp in official campsites only. This restricted zone is clearly signposted, starts 1.2 km below the summit of Conic Hill and ends 2.9 km after the Rowardennan Hotel.
More on a general base, in Scotland it is also not allowed to wildcamp on enclosed fields of crops or farm animals, or too close to buildings or roads.
Leave No Trace Principle
Please make sure to respect the nature you are visiting by picking up and carrying your own trash, including dirty toilet papers, until the next bin… the trail will thank you!