Rota Vicentina | FOOD
Here you can find information regarding resupply strategies for water and food along the Rota Vicentina.
Water along the Rota Vicentina
Every evening we filled our bottles with tap water, and I personally carried 1.5L with me every day, since we hiked this trail in February and the temperatures were not extremely high. Additionally, bottled water can be purchased at every village, in shops or bars, so I wouldn’t worry too much about running out of water. However, if you are planning to hike the Rota Vicentina in warmer months, make sure you pack enough water for each stage!
Food along the Rota Vicentina
It is possible to resupply in all the villages along the Rota Vicentina, except at Vale Seco (end of stage no. 1). Moreover, local food served at restaurants is just amazing! We therefore recommend to carry a picknick or snacks for the stage only, in order to minimize your pack’s weight.
Our Food Plan
On the Rota Vicentina, we decided to enjoy the luxury of having dinner and breakfast either at the hotels we were staying, or at a restaurant in the town. For our lunch on the trail, we always prepared and packed our own sandwiches, either ”stolen” during breakfast or assembled after resupplying.