Hornstrandir | ACCOMMODATION
Here you’ll find information about the accommodation options on the Hornstrandir Peninsula.
You can find more details about the accommodation we chose before and after the hike in the post OUR TRIP.
Accommodation List
In the remote Hornstrandir Peninsula, you’ll find many campgrounds and three hostels, elencated here below.
The map shows the locations offering accommodation (hostel or campground) on the Hornstrandir Peninsula, which could therefore represent the start or end point of a stage. The ones which are served by boat are indicated with a dotted line. The path we hiked is marked in red.
Aðalvík (Sæból)
Aðalvík (Látrar)
Fljótavík (Atlastaðir)
Fljótavík (Glúmsstaðir)
Hornvík (Höfn)
Hornvík (Hornsá)
Veiðileysufjarðar (Botn and Steinólfsstaðir)
Hesteyri (Old Doctor’s House)
Reykjarfjörður (out of Hornstrandir, hence not in the map)
There are only 3 hostels providing basic lodging on the Hornstrandir Peninsula:
Old Doctor’s House: this famous guesthouse is located in the abandoned village of Hesteyri. Its small Cafe serves breakfast, dinner, and amazing pancakes!
Hornbjargsviti: this hostel is located next to a lighthouse. It provides bunk bed accommodation and a campsite.
Reykjarfjörður: this hostel is located outside the Hornstrandir nature reserve and is therefore not shown on many of the maps online. It offers basic sleeping bag accommodation, a campsite and two houses for groups.
Apart from these hostels, the only facilities found on the peninsula are very basic campgrounds. These always provide toilets (mostly latrines) and a clean water source (from a sink or a river).
Booking and Capacity
Even though the Hornstrandir Peninsula is far off the touristic charts, guided tours often take place in the nature reserve. For this reason, if you want to sleep inside the hostels, you’ll need to book them far ahead of time.
However, if you plan to camp at the designated campgrounds, advance reservations are not needed. These campgrounds are also free of charge!
Food and Water
This is a remote adventure. You must be prepared to be self-sufficient while on trail and therefore bring your own trekking food along with you.
On the other hand, you will find plenty of water on the trail! Clean water is indeed available at every campground and in streams and rivers.
Small Tip:
We highly recommend to stop at the Cafe of the Old Doctor’s House in Hesteyri. This is the only place serving food on the peninsula… it is a once in a lifetime experience to taste amazing pancakes in an abandoned village, in the middle of nowhere!
You’ll definitely need a power bank to charge your electronics!
Camping on the Hornstrandir nature reserve is only allowed at the designated campgrounds.
Leave No Trace Principle
Please make sure to respect the nature you are visiting by picking up and carrying your own trash until the end of the hike… the trail will thank you!